Was für ein herrlich trübes Wetter draußen. Zeit um Weihnachtskarten zu machen. Diesmal bin ich dem „aged gold“ embossing Powder (Stampendous) verfallen. Noch ein paar Pailletten und Sterne und fertig ist die Karte. 🙂
It’s cold outside and I have time doing Christmas cards, perfect for Simon says stamp Wednesday Challenge Christmas/Holdiay. I love this aged gold embossing powder. I added some sequins and stars and the card is ready to go. 🙂

Only 20 days left. Hohoho

Christmas Season – Simon Wednesday Challenge
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3 Kommentare zu „Christmas Season – Simon Wednesday Challenge

  • 6. Dezember 2014 um 11:54

    Love your sparkly card !

    Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

    Jo x

  • 9. Dezember 2014 um 03:29

    I just love this embossed tree! Thank you so much for playing along with the Christmas/Holidays Challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog with us this week 🙂


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